Sensation 5 ml
Sensation 5 ml
An enticing mix of crisp Ylang Ylang, sparkling Jasmine and cleansing Geranium for a charming floral fragrance. Dab onto your neckline while meditating or practising yoga, inviting in more mindful, happy and joyous moments. Seek spontaneity, freedom and adventure with Sensation, adding a few drops into your daily cream for a delightfully sweet and nourishing infusion.
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)* seed oil, Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata)* flower oil, Bergamot (Citrus aurantium bergamia)* peel oil (Furocoumarin-free), Jasmine (Jasminum officinale)^^ oil, Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)* flower oil.
May contain: Benzyl alcohol**, Benzyl benzoate**, Benzyl salicylate**, Citral**, Citronellol**, Eugenol**, Farnesol**, Geraniol**, Isoeugenol**, Limonene**, Linalool**.
*100% pure essential oil.
^^100% pure absolute.
**Natural constituents of essential oils.
- Inhalation: Gently breathe in the uplifting scents.
- Beauty: Add one or two drops onto your neckline, inviting in more joy and happy moments.
- Bathing: Press pause by running a warm bath, adding 6-8 drops.
- Massage: Dilute a few drops into 10 ml of Young Living V-6® Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex, massaging into sore areas.
- Perfume: Works well with The Gift, Trauma Life or Celebration essential oil blends.