Lavender 15 ml
Lavender 15 ml
One of Young Living’s most popular products, and an essential oil that has been celebrated across the world throughout history, Lavender offers a relaxing and refreshing scent that is particularly calming when used during baths and bedtime routines. While the Romans used it in their baths to enjoy its cleansing qualities, today, Lavender essential oil is typically used as part of a bedtime routine, to provide a cooling effect on sun exposed skin, and to provide a calming aroma for the mind, body, and soul during massages.
Young Living’s Lavender oil is particularly special, as it is cultivated, grown, harvested, and distilled from the flowering tops of the lavender plants at Young Living’s Simiane-la-Rotonde Farm in Provence alongside two additional farms in the USA. The steam distillation process for Young Living’s Lavender oil follows the company’s Seed to Seal® guidelines, and in order to make just one 15 ml bottle of pure Lavender essential oil, it takes 27 square metres of lavender plants. Thanks to the endless versatility of this sweetly fragranced oil, we think the work is certainly worth it.
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)* oil.
May contain: Coumarin**, Geraniol**, Limonene**, Linalool**.
*100% pure essential oil.
**Natural constituents of essential oils.
- Beauty: Add a few drops to lotions and skincare products.
- Bath: Add 4 drops of Lavender and 1 cup of Epsom salt into a warm bath.
- Massage: Dilute with a carrier oil for an easy evening massage.
- Perfume: Add to pulse points and neckline for a floral fragrance.