Lushious Lemon 15 ml
Lushious Lemon 15 ml
With its invigorating, zesty aroma, our Lushious Lemon essential oil blend will fill your space with cheer. Thanks to its bright, citrus notes of Lemon Myrtle and Lemon, the fresh and floral scent of Ylang Ylang, and the cool, inviting aroma of Spearmint and Eucalyptus Globulus, our Lushious Lemon essential oil is perfect when used as a daily fragrance or when combined with your favourite body wash to provide an awakening start to the day.
Cananga odorata* (Ylang ylang) flower oil, Eucalyptus globulus* leaf oil, Backhousia citriodora* (Lemon myrtle) leaf oil, Citrus limon* (Lemon) peel oil, Mentha spicata* (Spearmint) leaf extract.
May contain: Benzyl alcohol**, Benzyl benzoate**, Benzyl salicylate**, Citral**, Citronellol**, Eugenol**, Farnesol**, Geraniol**, Isoeugenol**, Limonene**, Linalool**.
*100% pure essential oil
**Natural constituents of essential oils
Apply to desired area. In case of sensitivity, dilute 15 drops in 10 ml of Young Living V-6®.