Citronella 5 ml
Citronella 5 ml
This crisp and citrusy aroma has lemony notes and is derived from the grass named after the French word meaning “lemon balm.” Belonging to the Cymbopogon family, Citronella has been used as an energising and uplifting scent used in many beauty products, including perfume. Refresh your beauty routine by adding a drop into your facial lotion, spreading evenly into skin for a soothing and hydrating addition. Or use in your shampoo, enriching hair and scalp for a cleansed and invigoratingly fresh feeling.
- Crisp and bright scent.
- Energising and revitalising.
- Use in shampoo for a cleansed fresh feeling.
Cymbopogon nardus* (Citronella) oil.
May contain: Citral**, Citronellol**, Eugenol**, Geraniol**, Limonene**, Linalool**.
*100% pure essential oil
**Natural constituents of essential oils.
Inhalation: Place on your work desk, inhaling when needed for a bright, pick-me-up.
Beauty: Infuse a drop into your shampoo for a dose of zesty freshness, nourishing hair and scalp.
Bathing: Let your worries melt away, running a warm bath, adding 6-8 drops for instant freshness.
Massage: Dilute a few drops into 10 ml of Young Living V-6® Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex and massage into your skin as part of your relaxing evening routine.
Perfume: Apply to your pulse points for a vibrant, around-the-clock scent.