Wintergreen 15 ml
Wintergreen 15 ml
Introducing Wintergreen essential oil, a delightfully invigorating scent that's perfect for creating a refreshing ambiance in your living space. Derived through a meticulous steam distillation process from the lush green leaves of small shrubs, this essential oil offers a sweet and minty aroma that's ideal for diffusion.
Transform your home into a haven of aromatic tranquillity by diffusing a few drops of Wintergreen. Infuse your surroundings with its cool, minty scent, creating an atmosphere that promotes relaxation and rejuvenation.
Gaultheria procumbens* (Wintergreen) leaf oil.
May contain: Benzyl alcohol**, Eugenol**, Geraniol**, Limonene**, Linalool**.
*100% pure essential oil.
**Natural constituents of essential oils.
Diffuse up to 10 minutes 3 times daily.